2020. 2. 26. 02:28ㆍ카테고리 없음
Bill Wall's Chess PageBill WallBILL WALL'S CHESS PAGETHE WORLD'S LARGEST ONLINE CHESS COLLECTIONFOLLOW @BILLWALLCHESS FOR UPDATES — USE CTRL-F TO SEARCH OUR SITE — CLICK FOR PLAYERS, OPENINGS, TOURNEYS, EBOOK PGNSArticlesLessons and HistoryResourcesGame Collections(search: chess)Miniature Collections20 moves or less— all pgn format minis consolidated, over 37,000 games!Other CollectionsPlayer PGNsOpening PGNsTourney PGNsEbook PGNsPlease report broken or duplicate links to the Official Website - All Webpages and Content 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 by William D. WallThis site and all contents herein may be freely used, modified, and distributed on the condition that anything derived from them is bound by this same condition.
Chess Puzzles
1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices And Combinations Pgn
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